Healthy Home, Wellness

5 Simple Steps Towards a Greener Pantry.

| February 4, 2014

Green Your Pantry- for a Healthy pregnancy. Simple solutions for a giving your pantry a makeover and loading it up with foods that are good for you, your growing baby, and the planet.

  1. Clean– Out with the old and In with the Green. Now that you are incorporating more green produce and products it’s a great time to clean out your fridge and pantry to make more space for healthier foods. Wipe down surfaces and use baking soda to absorb any lingering odors. Get familiar with non-toxic and eco-friendly cleaning lines like- Honest Company, Seventh Generation, Ecover, Method, or Mrs. Meyers.
  2. Spice it Up– Part of creating delicious meals is having a range of spices and herbs to choose from. Pick fresh herbs at your local farmer’s market or grocery and use to season your dishes. Whatever you don’t use, dry out and save in a glass container for later. Spices tend to go stale after a few months so the key is purchasing in small amounts so you maintain the freshness and save a buck while you’re at it. Must have herbs for pregnancy include: ginger- for morning sickness, peppermint- for morning sickness & flatulence, garlic- for boosting immune system, and postpartum: fennel seed for increased milk production, sage- for drying up milk when weaning.
  3. Stock up on Grains– Toss the processed, refined grain products and embrace whole grains. All the white products- white flour, white rice, pasta, white bread, turn convert into simple sugar within 15 minutes of eating them. Wreaking havoc on your blood sugar levels. Whole grains are a great source of B vitamins, Vitamin E, Magnesium, Iron, and of course fiber. Some great grains include: whole oats, brown rice, barley, whole wheat, wild rice, quinoa, and millet.
  4. Get your Greens- Yes, to be more green you have to eat more greens. Embrace all the upward reaching leafy greens that are available. Greens provide an abundance of calcium and loads of antioxidants, help to keep the blood sugar stable, regulate the bowels, and balance out cravings. Try them raw in salads- arugula, mache, mesclun mix, mizuna, or cooked- Mustards, collards, kale, swiss chard, broccoli rabe. There’s a whole world of greens out there just waiting for you to explore.
  5. Rediscover Sweet- Processed sugars are out, natural sweeteners are in. Let go of the refined white sugar and artificial sweeteners and try some of these wonderful sweeteners  that are widely available like: raw agave nectar, stevia, date sugar, palm sugar, honey, maple syrup. If you want to cut back on sweet but still want to experience the sweet taste try incorporating sweet tasting foods, like sweet potato, roasted squashes, or cinnamon. Oh how sweet it is!
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